American Hearing Research Foundation and American Cochlear Implant Alliance to Co-sponsor New Grant for FY2018

In collaboration, the American Hearing Research Foundation (AHRF) and the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACI Alliance) announce a 2018 funding opportunity for research in two areas topics that may enhance the field of cochlear implantation.

The high priority topics for 2018 funding are:

  • Quality of life provided by Cochlear implantation. Topic may focus on either children or adults.
  • Update of the seminal Project HOPE study published in 2000 (Mohr PE et al, The Societal Costs of Severe to Profound Hearing Loss in the United States, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2000;16(4):1120-35.)

Grantees may be scientists in the field of hearing loss, otolaryngologists, audiologists, speech language pathologists, economists, health care experts, or others with generic expertise in the topics. The topics lend themselves to an interdisciplinary approach involving individuals working within and beyond cochlear implantation.

The grant is for a maximum of $25,000 for each of one or two years, depending on the project.  Second year funding, if requested, will be dependent upon the work completed in year one.

Applications for the AHRF/ACI Alliance grant for FY2018 should be submitted to AHRF via its online portal at Applications are due August 15, 2017. The recipient will be notified in early December.

In addition to the review criteria available at the AHRF website, award selection criteria will include creativity, and the degree to which the proposal may advance access to cochlear implantation. Funded work may be used to explore a new direction for the topic, build on or update existing work, and/or serve as a pilot grant for future work.

For additional information on the two high priority topics for 2018, please contact ACI Alliance Executive Director Donna Sorkin ( For guidance on the proposal process, please contact Joan Wincentsen at

The American Hearing Research Foundation serves two vital roles: to fund significant research in hearing and balance disorders, and to help educate the public about hearing loss and balance disorders related to the inner ear. In addition to the AHRF/ACI Alliance grant, AHRF funds five to 10 research projects per year, with an average grant being $20,000 or $40,000. Since 2010, the Foundation has funded over $1.2 million in research grants.

The American Cochlear Implant Alliance is a not-for-profit membership organization created with the purpose of eliminating barriers to cochlear implantation by sponsoring research, driving heightened awareness and advocating for improved access to cochlear implants for patients of all ages across the US.

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American Hearing Research Foundation

4055 W. Peterson Ave., Suite 105
Chicago, IL 60646

(773) 823-5569