Online & Tribute Giving

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You make our work possible.

Online Giving


Your gift to the American Hearing Research Foundation (AHRF) fuels hope for new discoveries and cures. No amount is too small. Every dollar you give helps fund scientific research at universities and hospitals throughout the United States to better understand and overcome hearing and balance disorders of the inner ear—conditions that affect millions of Americans. We deeply appreciate your giving. It makes progress possible.

Click Here To Give

Tribute Giving

Making a gift to AHRF is a meaningful way to honor a special person or occasion. Donating in tribute of a friend, colleague, or loved one extends the reach of your gift by fueling hope—through science and discovery—for the many millions of people living with these disorders. When you designate your contribution in honor or memory of someone, they become part of the effort to eradicate hearing and balance problems. AHRF will acknowledge your tribute in its newsletter and send a letter notifying the person of the donation, but not of the gift amount. Thank you for your donation, and as importantly, for participating in this important cause.

Click Here To Give A Tribute Gift


Meniere’s Disease

Designate your gift to support Meniere's disease researchAHRF has a special interest in supporting Meniere’s disease research. This disorder of the middle ear affects hearing and balance and causes vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. It’s unpredictable and difficult to diagnose and manage. Unfortunately, the cause of Meniere’s disease isn’t fully understood. And there is no known cure. Choose this option if you’d like direct your gift to this research topic.

Click Here To Give to Meniere’s Research



AHRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Click one of these options to learn more about Meniere’s disease and the grassroots initiative to raise funds and awareness and about creating a legacy with a planned gift.

Meniere’s Disease & Run Because

Planned Giving



Making new discoveries possible for more than 60 years

AHRF funds novel research to better understand and overcome hearing and balance disorders of the inner ear

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American Hearing Research Foundation

4055 W. Peterson Ave., Suite 105
Chicago, IL 60646

(630) 617-5079