How AHRF Makes Grant Decisions

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How American Hearing Research Foundation makes Grant Decisions

Our Aim: A Careful Review for Each Proposal

Each year the AHRF Board determines the amount of funds available for grants.  AHRF’s Research Committee reviews grant proposals and makes recommendations to the Board. The Board makes final funding decisions.

Reviewers are experts in the clinical and basic science fields of hearing research.

The Research Committee Chair does not review proposals from the Chair’s own institution.


Scoring Discovery and Resident Grants


AHRF’s Birtman Grant

The PI(s) of the one or two top-scoring proposals may be invited to apply for additional funds so that the entire grant totals $75,000. The PI(s) must submit an additional specific aim and budget over that originally proposed. The new aim(s) are reviewed by the two original reviewers and an extra reviewer. If accepted, one $75,000 grant will be proposed to the AHRF Board for the Birtman award.

The Birtman award is not necessarily given every year.


AHRF’s Richard G. Muench Chairman’s Grant

The PI(s) of one additional top-scoring proposal may be invited to apply for additional funds so that the entire grant totals $65,000. The PI(s) must submit an additional specific aim and budget over that originally proposed. The new aim(s) are reviewed by the two original reviewers and an extra reviewer. If accepted, one $65,000 grant will be proposed to the AHRF Board for the Richard G. Muench Chairman’s award.

This award is not necessarily given every year.

Making new discoveries possible for more than 60 years

AHRF funds novel research to better understand and overcome hearing and balance disorders of the inner ear

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American Hearing Research Foundation

4055 W. Peterson Ave., Suite 105
Chicago, IL 60646

(630) 617-5079